A bot is a computer program that performs predetermined tasks automatically. Its goal is to perform human duties the same way humans do. In a nutshell, they...
Topic: Languages
How to Create Cookies and Sessions in ASP.NET
Cookies are small tokens of data that are stored on the computer. They are used to store user data on the client end. Some of the details stored on the...
Build a Calendar in React Using React-Calendar Library
Often, you want to manage and manipulate dates in your web app. These may include adding events or setting reminders. Having a calendar in your web...
Creating a simple YouTube Video Downloader using Python
YouTube is an internationally known website for sharing videos. Unfortunately, when you use an online downloader to download a video or try to get it from a...
An Extense Guide On Handling Images In Django
As a web developer, working with images is an important skill to have. Django is one of the most popular web development frameworks, it provides ways to deal...
How to Create a Registration Form using React.js and Connect it to Firebase
In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to make a registration form using React.js and connect it with firebase from scratch using React hooks, Bootstrap,...
Creating Dashboards in React using React Dashboards
Flatologic is a company that offers free and premium dashboard templates in various frameworks. Whether in Angular, Vue or React, developers can find many...
Implementing AES Encryption And Decryption In Java
Data encryption is an important feature in data protection. There are various methods used to encrypt and decrypt data to enhance the safety of data...
How to Calculate Distance between Two Points using Geopy in Python
Geopy is a Python library that simplifies the calculation of geographic distances between two points. It makes it easier for developers to retrieve...