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How to Make Multipart Requests in Android with Retrofit
A multipart request is an HTTP request that HTTP clients create to send files and data to an HTTP server. A multipart message is made up of several parts. One part consists of a header and a body....

Creating a simple YouTube Video Downloader using Python
YouTube is an internationally known website for sharing videos. Unfortunately, when you use an online downloader to download a video or try to get it from a random website, you face the danger of your personal information being stolen. Introduction The task of...

An Extense Guide On Handling Images In Django
As a web developer, working with images is an important skill to have. Django is one of the most popular web development frameworks, it provides ways to deal with images conveniently. In this tutorial, we are going to build a Django application that handles images. By...

Introduction to Prisma with Docker
In this tutorial, we will learn more about the Prisma ecosystem. We will build a simple server that accesses Prisma to read its database schema and run it on a Docker container. At some point, you may need a database for your back-end application, be it with Python,...
Advancement of Swing Frameworks in Java
Java Foundation Class took Swing Framework to be part of it. Java version 1.1 initially contained Swing as a well-defined library. Later on, it got integrated...
Stream Filter in Java using Lambda Expressions
Java offers some sophisticated methods that make optimum use of streams and lambda expressions. These allow you to build an assembly line using functional...
Advanced Concepts of Programming using Dart
Programming is a way of writing syntaxes that instructs a computer to perform specific tasks the way we want it to achieve a specific task. For a developer to...
Understanding Node.js Sequelize ORM Models
Sequelize is an Object Relational Mapper for Node.js. Sequelize lets us connect to a database and perform operations without writing raw SQL queries. It...
Add an external CSS file to a JavaFX Application
Are you having trouble attaching an external CSS file to a JavaFX application or linking an externally designed styling sheet to your program? In this...
Deploying a Flask Application to Google Compute Engine
This article focuses on building a Flask application and deploying it to one of the most reliable IaaS infrastructures; the Google Compute Engine. We will set...
Getting Started with Apriori Algorithm in Python
Apriori algorithm is a machine learning model used in Association Rule Learning to identify frequent itemsets from a dataset. This model has been highly...
How to Implement the Android LifeCycle Callback Methods
The Android lifecycle helps developers understand which states activities go through when a user navigates through an app. As a result, we can do proper...
How to Create a URL Shortener Using Javascript
In this project, we are going to build a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) shortener service. I am pretty sure that most of you have heard of,, and...